31 December 2009


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/crooked1


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/crooked1

RIP, Marie Renee

REST IN PEACE, MARIE RENEE -- French National, Peace Activist, Member of the GAZA FREEDOM MARCH died in Egypt while protesting for peace in GAZA. Some report Marie Renee died due to injuries sustained at the hands of Egyptian police, others say Marie Renee passed of a heart attack. Either way, Marie Renee will not see the new year or a FREE PALESTINE for which this promoter of peace so desired.

30 December 2009

A year on from conflict, caring for Gaza's orphans

Israels last offensive in Gaza claimed more than 1,400 lives. Many children lost both their parents. In normal times, relatives care for the orphans. But the precarious financial situation of many Gaza residents has forced the children into the care of territory's sole orphanage, which is stretched well beyond capacity. Duration: 01:48

Jeff Jacoby (Boston Globe) writes:

The first decade of the 1st century ran from Year 1 through Year 10. The first decade of the 21st century, therefore, consists of the years 2001 through 2010, no matter how many “Decade in Review” essays, roundups, recaps, and slideshows you’re being bombarded with as 2009 comes to an end. All this premature enumeration reminds me of a lapel button the late David Brudnoy took to wearing in the last weeks of 1999, amid the frenzied countdown to Y2K and the “end” of the 20th century. “The century will end on December 31, 2000,” it read. “Please be patient.”

Does the new decade really start only in 2011, rather than in 2010?

Well, it all depends on which decade you’re speaking of. Let’s begin with centuries. We’ve set up our BC and AD dating system so there’s no year zero, presumably because back when they were set up, the concept of “zero” as a number was not well-established in Europe. Therefore, the first hundred years of AD time were 1 to 100, the next 101 to 200, and so on. That’s why the 20th century is conventionally understood as going from 1901 to 2000, though I’m sure the term hasn’t always been used entirely consistently.

But of course any consecutive sequence of 100 years can constitute a century. By convention we don’t label 1937 to 2036, for instance, a century. But we do conventionally use another sort of century — centuries labeled things like the 1800s or the 1900s. As I have seen the term used, the 1900s are a century that goes from 1900 to 1999, probably because it would seem quite odd to treat 2000 as part of the 1900s but to exclude 1900 itself from the 1900s. So the “turn of the century” was 2000 if you’re talking about the turn from the 1900s to the 2000s, and 2001 if you’re talking about the turn from the 20th century to the 21st century.

Now as to decades. Indeed, the first decade of the 21st century would logically be 2001 to 2010, and it may be that this term is indeed conventionally used to describe those ten years, though I’m not at all positive that it is. But in any event the usage gets rare past the first few decades of a century. The more common usage, especially past the first few decades, is something like “the 1980s” or “the ‘60s.” (As to the first decade, “the first decade” seems to be more common, since “the 1900s” could be understood as either the decade or the century.) And both by logic and by convention (as I understand the convention), “the 1980s” means 1980–89, even if “the ninth decade of the twentieth century” means 1981–1990.

So the second decade of the twenty-first century, if you want to use the term “second decade,” might begin either in the 2010 or 2011; my sense is that actual usage is mixed on this. But the decade that we will call the 2010s (or “the tens” or “the teens,” whichever the preferred term ends up being) will pretty certainly begin a few days from now, on Jan. 1, 2010, and will run until the end of 2019.

25 December 2009

Merry Mithramas

The following is from comedian, talk show host and atheist, Bill Maher's twitter account: http://twitter.com/billmaher

For Xmas fun, let's review the bios of some of the gods who came before Jesus - Dec 25 is a popular birthday!

~Mithra - born 12/25, 12 disciples, died-rose on 3rd day, performed miracles, known as Lamb, "the way the truth the light" 600 yrs before JC

~Krishna:virgin birth, baptized in river,raised dead,carpenter son,persecuted,crucified,ascended to heaven. 1,000 yrs before u-know-who

~Buddha: 12 disciples, walked on water, fed 500 from 'small basket of cakes',healed the sick...his mom? A virgin

~Horus: announced by star in east on Dec 25, attended by 3 wise men , died, resurrected, mom a virgin...do you see a pattern here?

24 December 2009

Bah Procrastination Bug

It is Christmas Eve and i've not yet bought one present. Getting ready to start this year's xmas shopping today. Hoping to have it all done within four hours. Otherwise, some people will be SOL. If all goes as planned, this will be my record for xmas shopping procrastination and the shortest time for holiday shopping. The only way to top it next year will be do wait till xmas day and do all my shopping in one hour at Rite-Aid. I can hardly wait for the holiday to pass. I need a drink.

06 December 2009


Denmark set to ENCAGE unlawful protesters. Inhumane action plan or a reasonable response to blatant unruliness and anarchy? How should one be allowed to express protest in a "free country?" Where does free expression end? Denmark passes quick legislation in reaction to conference. Is that right?


05 December 2009

Thoughts of the Day v. 2

What if you were born without a country; lived your entire life in oppression, watching half your loved ones murdered and you died--still without a country? What if the whole of the world watched it happen--and did nothing? What if YOU were Palestinian?

04 December 2009

Lamb of the Media

Ryan Nelson


Is This T-Shirt Praying for Obama's Assassination?
from: www.nbcmiami.com


The shirt is yellow with the following printed:
“Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8”
and an image of two hands clasped in prayer
which is interpreted as hastening president's demise.

Dusted off my Bible (cough, cough).
Psalm 109:8 reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."
If you stop here, the message on the shirt might seem somewhat innocuous. In a literal sense then, there is not much wrong with the shirt. What if you continue reading?
Psalm 109:9, Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
109:10, Let his children continually be vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desperate places.
109:11, Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour.
109:12, Let their be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.
109:13 Let his prosperity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.

I presume that the further verses refer to the same "his"/"him." Now the message on the shirt may be interpreted as problematic. What if the message on the shirt read, "Pray for Bush?" Would people who bought the Obama shirt be outraged?

Religion and its documents are problematic. I quoted from the King James version of the Bible which contains archaic grammar, syntax and words. When interpreting from Early Modern English into Modern English, one may come across problems. Now take into account that before King James, there were other versions of English, which were translated from Latin, of which some translations came through versions of ancient Greek, which may have been translated from any number of dialects as the Bible is a collection of stories by many authors spread over countless years. To know the original meaning or intent is quite problematic.

So should we then, just keep our religion to ourselves and interpret it as we see fit without pushing it on others? Is the shirt even really pushing it on others? No. Probably not. It certainly falls under freedom of religion and expression. Does it advocate hate or homicidal demise? Again, up for interpretation. Is it distasteful? Probably--if you are an Obama supporter.

My conclusion, then, is that the shirt has a right to exist and people the right to wear it. I have a right to dislike it.

I wish religion were kept private. I wish religion could just be kept between like-minded people: the congregation, the preacher-type person and one's god(s). Religion is too vulnerable for it may be interpreted in a myriad of ways so as to support both good and evil. It is problematic. Use it for yourself, but golly, i wish it were not used to spread hate or war.

Post Conclusion and warning: This is what i wrote in an initial response to the post and visiting the associated link:

"Fucking outrageous, but not surprising. How many of these fucks do you think also say that Islam is an evil religion? If the shirt read, "Pray for Bush," you'd bet they'd be crying terrorism and deriding the twisting of the Word of the Bible! Hypocrites! The human race is despicable! What would Jesus do concerning Obama? Would they follow Jesus' advice on Obama? Or would they rather grab Obama, a rope and find the nearest bough??! Won't the yellow shirt clash with their white hoods? Or their black souls?"

Which just leads me to say how dumb i was to have a knee-jerk reaction to a subject that was puffed up and skewed. I didn't even consult my own Bible first. Don't let yourself be blindly brainwashed and lead astray from logic, responsibility and reason. Research your incoming information as much as possible. Don't get it all from KTLA 5 or CNN or FoxNews or MSNBC or what-have-you. Don't get it all from American outlets. Follow the BBC, The National, Al Jazeera, DeutscheWelle, Univision. See how the same story is told through Ha'aretz and the Electronic Intifada; HuffPo and Fox; the LA Times and the Daily News.

Don't let one media outlet or network of outlets lead you as so much cattle. Cattle eventually get slaughtered and served to the status quo. Be responsible denizens of the internet and television land. Get a second opinion! Or research yourself. Don't be led astray. That's how they keep you complacent and mask the truth!

OK, now i sound like some crazy conspiracy theorist. Let me stop. Just be careful out there people. No one is altruistic. Not even the Pope or Obama or Bush or FoxNews.

03 December 2009

My Thoughts for the Day

[Reprinted from my facebook account.]

Wish i could bottle happiness and drink it at my leisure so i could be a happyholic instead of an alcoholic.

Ryan Nelson: Pure fantasy in an un-pure world. :(
2 hours ago · Delete

Isaac: nice. Im a happy go lucky junkie worse then shooting smack in my viens
2 hours ago · Delete

Ryan Nelson: Your means leave a more desirable end though.
All the best to you, my friend!
about an hour ago · Delete

Isaac: HOldn on to the hope that I was born with. Years they burn my heart but they cant effect my soul
about an hour ago · Delete

Ryan Nelson: You are strong. I hope you always remain as such. I am looking for strength. I know not if i'll find it. I wonder how i shall end.
You are strong, and therefore a great asset to your loved ones. May you always remain such!
Much luv to you,
about an hour ago · Delete

Isaac: its already inside of you. just look at is inside of you
about an hour ago · Delete

Ryan Nelson: Methinks it is buried under much guilt and sorrow. Both by proxy and self-induced.
57 minutes ago · Delete

Isaac: here is a a shovel get to dign. It wont happen unless you want it to
54 minutes ago · Delete

I dislike Humans. I really wish we would all just cease to exsit. This world is shit. the race does not deserve to continue. I kinda wish "God" were real, so He could just end it all. :(

Cast your stones at me; just know that you too shall be pummeled. And when it's all over, I care not.

What if one could spread an pandemic like love through hugs? What if love was something that had no cure? What, then, if we hugged our neighbors instead of bombing them; shooting them; running them over in our oil-mobiles; raping them; denigrating them with our words; devaluing them with our politics? Why are you not crying at the impossibility of the initial statement?

Is there a Theistic to Atheistic translation for, "God bless you?" Like, "God damnit" = "Gosh darn it," "pray" = "wish; hope," "thank God" = "thank goodness" ... sometimes i wish to convey the SAME sentiment and love contained in "bless you" or "have a blessed day," but i know not what words to say. :(
(I don't mean "God bless you" as a response to a sneeze--that is easy enough: i can just say "gesundheit" or "salut" or "salud" or "eww--don't sneeze on me!")

Where does evil lie? Can other animals be evil? I think not. Humans are the worst plague ever set upon this poor planet. SHIT, THE HORRORS SOME PEOPLE COMMIT!!! THE EASE WITH WHICH HUMANS ARE BRAINWASHED!!! WEAK, SINFUL RACE!!!

Jose: Someone once said that you don’t need pride and honor to simply live. Life is cheapened to the extent that it is taken for the most trivial of things. But for those who have values and cherish the sanctity of life, there is hope. And while you may not be able to protect life around the world, you can live your life with honor and dignity. And that’s how You can contribute to making this world a little better.
59 minutes ago · Delete

Ryan Nelson: I appreciate your words. Thank you. Yet, somehow, i'm not sure that living my life in a bubble of honesty, love and dignity is enough. Lately, i've been thinking i need to give my life in some greater cause and then--shit! ONE puny life?!?! I wish i had a million lives to give to the cause of humanity, though i fear such a cause is now lost. I wish i could let a hundred tanks run me over to free Tibet; i wish i could take a hundred bullets for a hundred Palestinian children, i wish i could leave a million of my corpses in the lobbies of the buildings of pharmaceutical companies who charge for AIDS meds. I fear the world is shit and we are past the breaking point. I now await our self-inflicted impending doom. :(
47 minutes ago · Delete

Jose: well, you can't do all those things. so it's best to stop obsessing over them. it's good to care about others. but you shouldn't let it get you down to a point where you are condemning all of humanity.
30 minutes ago · Delete

Regarding Tiger Woods and his recent adutlery:

Fuck that shit! I'm fucking tired of this Tiger shit! It is not for the public. I don't care if he is a public figure. He is famous for golf. Adultery has nothing to do with golf. He is not a preacher or a politician who left his post to fuck some bitch in S. America. People: he is not your friend, nor you his. This is a private matter between him and his family and others affected. This shit happens. It is sad and unfortunate and don't act like you've never sinned, people! I'm not saying he is right, but fuck, mind your own fucking business, people. There are bigger things in this world. Why is Dafur not in the news. Did everything just suddenly become hunky-dory there? What about apartheid in Palestine/Israel? What about death to gays in Uganda? What about Uighurs? Is Tibet free? What about Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, South Central, Detroit, Paris, Switzerland, the Philippines et al.?


Quit fucking laughing and making jokes on the goshdamn morning news; on the evening news. Is nothing sacred anymore? What the fuck has happened to journalistic integrity in this country? Why is the news a fucking laugh-fest now? Why must evening news compete with Jay Leno? Reality TV? Entertainment Tonight? TMmotherfuckingZ?!!!

02 December 2009

Gaza Freedom March

World AIDS Day

December 1st was WORLD AIDS DAY.

Did u know 67% of those w/HIV live in Sub-Saharan Africa but it’s home to 10% of world's population!

33mm people in world have HIV. 22mm live in Africa. Today’s World AIDS Day. Help fight AIDS in Africa. Help turn Facebook (RED)! [ via @(RED) ]

About 14.1m children in Africa have been orphaned because of AIDS. Yet it’s preventable & treatable. [ via @(RED) ]

More than 1,000 children are infected with HIV every day in Africa. Yet it’s preventable & treatable. [ via @(RED) ]

1 out of every 4 Americans living with HIV doesn't know it. [ via @OMGFacts on twitter ]

12-15k Angelenos are living with HIV and don't know it. Let's continue the LA initiative - 1 mil tested by 2011! [ via @villaraigosa on twitter ]

Positive? Negative? Don't Know? Enter your zip code to find a testing center near you: http://www.hivtest.org/-- KNOW!

Today is World AIDS Day. Let's take a moment to remember the 25,000,000+ people who have died of HIV/AIDS since the discovery in 1981.

In Africa, more than 40 Million children have been orphaned due to HIV. [ via @OMGFacts on twitter ]

African Americans, who make up only 12 percent of the U.S. population, now make up more than 49 percent of new infections and nearly 40 percent of all HIV/AIDS deaths in the U.S. [ via glaad blog @ http://glaadblog.org/2009/..12/01/december-1st-is-worl..d-aids-day/ ]

Women represent half of all the people living with AIDS / HIV. [ via @OMGFacts on twitter ]

01 December 2009

Healthy Hawk Shits on Uninsured America

Gosh, it sure must be nice for Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) not to have to worry about his health care situation, ya know the one us tax payers are providing him.  That fucking hawk wants President Obama to delay the health care legislation to focus on the war in Afghanistan. 

"Jobs and our economy are terribly important. So this may be an audacious suggestion, but I would suggest we put aside the health care debate until next year, the same way we put cap and trade and climate change, and talk now about the essentials: the war and money."[1]

It’s sad to hear a federally elected official describe war as “essential.”  It’s pretty pathetic to think that Congress, with its 475 senators & representatives and all their thousands of pages, interns and staffers cannot handle more than on issue at a time.  We’ve come so far with the health care legislation it would be sheer stupidity to drop it now.  I don’t think the majority of the 45.7 uninsured people (including me)  would be happy to turn on the news to find that their government prefers war mongering to the care of its own citizens.[2]  Thank goodness, Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.) is a voice of reason:

"Absolutely not," said the Rhode Island Democrat. "I think we're in the midst of probably the most significant debate and conclusion with legislation that we've ever had. And the health care debate is essential to our economic future. There are businesses and individuals each year pay more and more for health care, it's become unaffordable. We have to go ahead and conclude this debate. To stop now would be stopping on the edge, I think, of significant reform, which is so important for the country. And frankly, I think, it's ironic. Under the Bush administration, there was no serious debate about Afghanistan. That was relegated to the sidelines. There was no attempt to pay for it. And suddenly, now, that becomes a critical need that we put aside health care. I don't think so. I think we have to push forward."[3]

Let’s get health care done and dealt with.  The war will still be there.  I guarantee it.

[1] FOXNews.com, “Senator Proposes Delaying Health Care Reform to Pay for Afghanistan War” www.foxnews.com http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/11/29/senator-proposes-delaying-health-care-pay-afghanistan-war/ updated 29 November 2009.
[2] 45.7 people is a US Census Bureau figure.  “People” includes foreigners living in the US and those who wish to not purchase health insurance coverage among others.  Some put the actual figure of uninsured Americans around 10 million.  See, Philip Klein, “The Myth of the 46 Million,” www.spectator.org http://spectator.org/archives/2009/03/20/the-myth-of-the-46-million  20 March and Keith Hennessey, “How Many Uninsured People Nedd Additional Help From Taxpayers” www.keithhennessey.com http://keithhennessey.com/2009/04/09/how-many-uninsured-people-need-additional-help-from-taxpayers/  9 April 2009.
[3] Sam Stein, “Lugar: Let’s Put Health Care On Hold To Deal With Afghanistan” www.huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/29/lugar-lets-put-health-car_n_373019.html  29 November 2009.

30 November 2009

Hide and Seek: Discovering LA's Hidden Oil Production.

Los Angeles -  This town started growing rapidly in the late 1800s with the arrival of the railroads from across the country.  People were lured here by the slogan, "Oranges for health, California for wealth."  Midwesterners were told of the new miracle fruit, the orange.  They were also told of the great potential of agriculture and abundance of water resources.  Such promises were highly exaggerated or straight-out lies, depending where you settled in the LA area, but many soon discovered a gold other than oranges: black gold.  

Los Angeles, it would turn out, sits atop the nation's 3d largest oil field.  Indeed by the early 1900s, the city's first skyscrapers were oil derricks, which densely sprung up from Venice to downtown, Hollywood to Signal Hill and beyond.  As the sub-terrain was seemingly drained, developers moved in to replace forests of oil fields with grand boulevards and single family homes.  

Yet today, throughout our city, oil drilling continues and not just in the very visible cities of Carson or Signal Hill.  Dotted throughout the urban core stand hidden oil derricks.  Slant drilling takes place--oil could be being pumped from right beneath your feet and you'd not know it.  These operations are disguised:  An obelisk-like structure on a high school campus; an island with no people, but tall "buildings;" an "office building" on a major thoroughfare with no windows.  Watch the video below to see a bit of hidden Los Angeles.


19 November 2009


Hey Israel, want us to look the other way as you raze Palestinian homes and expand & build settlements in the West Bank? How about we stop selling you arms and defending your asses? Still want us to look the other way when Iran bombs the shit out of you?!!

The spinless U.N. and Obama need to grow some balls and introduce sanctions against Israel!

MK Danny Danon is a fucking idiot for calling Obama a racist for asking Netanyahu to halt settlements!

NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind needs to come home and worry about his own district and quit meddling in foreign affairs! Mr Hikind,you are a jackass for saying that halting settlements amounts to segregation! What the hell do you think settlements are?!! Jews aren't integrating and assimilating into already existing Arab neighborhoods. Israeli settlements are concentrated areas for Jews only. What the hell do you call building walls around Gaza and through Jerusalem?!! What do you call closing the Gazan-Egyptian border?!! What do you call a sea blockade of the strip?!!

A blockade is an act of war! A winding wall which isolates a religious community--why does that sound familiar? Sounds like a ghetto to me. But where has that happened before? Germany, perhaps? Hmm....


Written in response to:

*No, i am not anti-semetic.
When i say "Israel," i usually mean the government of, not all Israelis.
No, i do not support or condone Hamas or terrorism.
I don't think Palestinians get fair media coverage in this country.

16 November 2009


This is what i filled out for a form for a website that asked me to help repeal anti gay marriage laws. It asked me to fill out an "About Me" and a "What marriage means to me." I had nothing to say about me, but each section only 1500 characters and it takes more than 1500 characters to even briefly explain what marriage means to me so i had to utilize the "About Me" section to write a semi-description of how i felt.

[website is: http://www.signforequality.com/ i tried to sign up thru Safari, but it wouldn't work so i opened up Firefox to sign up successfully]

Though i never plan on getting married and am atheist, this is not about love or religion for me; this is about equality! If i had my druthers, i'd not let the state "marry" gays--OR straights! Marriage seems more suited for religious institutions. But alas, the issue it seems, is already married to government. This is the kind of shit that happens when church and state mingle. If it really is about "protecting" the institution of marriage, then relegate it to the church. Then we shall see how many back down and how many bigots are still resistant to equal rights for the LGBT community. Like i said, this about EQUALITY. Civil Unions are the LGBT's "colored only" water fountains. We learned from Brown v. Board that SEPARATE IS NOT EQUAL. SEGREGATION IS WRONG. DISCRIMINATION IS EVIL. Civil unions are NOT totally equal, in fact. All this does is make us 2d class citizens! This is not India, damn it! I will NOT be relegated to a lower caste! This is America, founded on idea of equality. Though Equality did not originally apply to all, America has come to realize it's wrongs and been corrected and the general poulation has come to see such decisions as right. Women, Blacks, Irish, Amer-indians, Catholics, children (by proxy), the un-unionized et al. have had to fight and struggle to show America as a whole the right path. This is OUR cause, OUR future path. We must again show America the correct path.

They say ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law! I say that the law is no excuse for ignorance! People must be set straight!

For the religious objectors, i say, we are not trying to change your religion! You may continue to believe and practice whatsoever you may wish. Religious organizations are private organizations and if you wish to be discriminating, that is your prerogative. All we ask is that you not ask our government, which should represent ALL of the people, to discriminate based on your religious sect's beliefs and values, which represent only SOME of the people of the nation. Surely you cannot deny the logic in this statement if you exist in a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. We do not ask you to live our "life style," as you call it, we ask that you live and let live. Two people in love and wishing to express that love through a government sanctioned institution should not be denied such an opportunity. The government grants certain rights, benefits and privileges to those married. All we ask is for the same rights, benefits and privileges, for we pay the same taxes. Actually we pay more taxes, because we do not share the same rights, benefits and privileges as married folks. That's right, some of us pay more to be discriminated against! Oh, the privilege of that!! >:o(  
We do not seek to degrade your institution, indeed i think that heterosexual actions such as incest, polygamy, rape, spousal-rape, adultry, and divorce have already done enough harm to the institution. Outlaw such things; but not love!

08 November 2009

What an asshole! I can't believe this guy!

I held a meeting in a warehouse in Mafia Wars and negotiated a lasting peace.

I dumped the entire can of fish food into the tank in FishVille.

I found a lonely black sheep on your farm in FarmVille
and promptly killed it...mmm...mutton!
Then i salted the earth.

In Roller Coaster Kingdom,
i built a roller coaster where it free falls into a dark tunnel.
I made it a dead-end tunnel (literally).
I ran the remainder of the park into the ground.

I went to your restaurant in Cafe World
and dumped cyanide into your water
and shat in your soup du jour.

I walked into the town square in YoVille
and set off a nuclear bomb.

Thanks for the invites folks, but i waste enough time between Facebook, ryspace, twitter and other sites that shall remain un-named. I can't handle all these online games.

Yes, i know i am an asshole. Please feel free to tell me off, then delete me from your friends if you so wish

07 November 2009


Just finished watching The Day The Earth Stood Still (2009).  Of course capital punishment is wrong.  I like how the kid in the film represents those death penalty supporters who are more apt to think and take action on emotion than reason and logic.  Emotions cloud logic and proper & just judgement.  While i hope the whole human race perishes very soon, the death penalty is wrong!  

I disagree with the film that humans can change, however.  It is in human nature the capacity to be evil, to be power hungry and greedy, to have a need of superiority.  It is within human nature to band together in similarity, which therefore means that you are distinguishing others as different.  You revel in your similarities, which are arbitrary, fools!  There are many names for this, here are a few: nationalism, nativism, rascism, apartheid, Repblicans, Democrats, Tories, Labor, Protestants, Catholics, Sunni, Shia....*  If we ever learn to not hate, we cease to being human.  Good ceases to exist without evil.  (*No, not every aspect of some of these groups is bad or evil)  Humanity is doomed to always embrace evil.

My message is: keep as much love in your heart as possible.  Treat others as you wish to be treated (yes, as an atheist, i know the irony of that statement, see *above).  Keep YOUR community safe, sane, loving and caring.  Explain logic to others, but know that you can rarely force change; it'll come when the individual is ready. Do not close yourself or your community out from the world at large.  Emanate love and peace and you might just get some new community members.  Shit's gonna happen, just be strong, you can get through this horrible wo/man made world with the support of those who love you.

Wow, so that was uncharacteristically optimistic of me!
What the fuck is wrong with me?!!

26 October 2009


Another example of why i hate the human race. All humans must die. Every last goddamn one of them. You, me, my mom, your grandpa, Osama Bin Laden, Barack Hussein Obama, the Pope, Cardinal Mahoney, the Dali Lama, your butcher, my baker, Pier1's candlestick maker, Tom, Dick, Harry, Jack and Jill--everyone! Humans do not deserve to walk and breathe on this Earth!

Bay Area Girl Gang Raped at School while Witnesses Watch but Do Nothing
October 26, 2009

A 15-year-old girl who went to her homecoming dance was repeatedly gang raped and beaten at Richmond High School for at least two hours while more than a dozen witnesses saw the assault but failed to call police, authorities said today.
The attack occurred Saturday around 9:30 p.m. after the girl had left the dance and was waiting for a ride from her father. She saw a male student she knew, who took her to a dark alley behind one of the school buildings, Richmond police said.
Police said alcohol was consumed but were awaiting toxicology tests.
The male student and about six others began raping and beating the girl. As she struggled, more than a dozen witnesses passed by or watched what was going on. The ordeal lasted 2 to 2 1/2 hours, police said.
"The victim was beaten, sexually assaulted and robbed," said Lt. Mark Gagan. "What's equally disturbing is that other people saw what was going on and did nothing."
Police were finally called after a female student overhead people talking about the rape. She called 911 and told dispatchers what she had heard, according to Gagan.
The girl was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, police said.
A former student, Manuel Ortega, 19, was arrested a few blocks away Saturday night and booked on charges of rape, robbery and kidnapping, Gagan said. Ortega was being held Monday on $800,000 bail.
Investigators were questioning two students Monday evening at the police station in Richmond, a city of 104,000 16 miles northeast of San Francisco.
-- Robert J. Lopez

[as reported on latimes.com

12 September 2009


I feel like i am drowning in the abyss of a sea of disappointment—once again.  Ask me what my plans are before any given week and i’ll tell you i am pretty busy.  Ask me at the end how my week went and i’ll tell you i spent most of it at home alone, bored and disappointed.

I make plans with friends and they flake out—everything always seems to fall through.  It’s just sad.  It happens a lot to me.  Like, A LOT!  It sucks!  Am i the only one?  I'm pretty down right now.  Was supposed to spend time with a friend from out of town today and not even a call or text.  I mean, i hope it he is all right—i’ve been worried, for sure—but i fear it is just me being stood up again.  Horrible, huh?  Life’s got me so cynical, that in addition to his safety, i’m thinking about myself.

It’s not a good feeling.  It is now that i realize that this too feeds into my misanthropic nature.  I’ve already given up on the human race at large, but i always cherish my friends.  Am i not worthy of having friends?  I don’t understand why people do this to me.  What is it about me that says, someone please shit all over my day and screw me over??  I think the seemingly chronic ones are just fucking with me sometimes.  So this is it--now i’ve become distrusting of friends??  Shit!!

Shall i give up on friendships too?  Shall i just become a fucking hermit?  Shall i keep my goddamn head down and not fucking speak or befriend anyone anymore?  But if i do all that, then what is the point of even living, right??  FUCK!!!  As much as i dislike humans in general, i realize that despite all the murders and wars and injustice in the world, we are still social animals (a paradox, yes?  Exactly why prejudice, favoritism, nationalism, racism et cetera exist—but that is another blog) and we need friendly interaction—yes, even me.

If anyone knows what the fuck my problem is, please tell me before it’s too goddamn late.

25 August 2009


I have been moderately consistent with blogging this year (i know, i know, and i've never really been one to write anything in the past unless i was forced to by professors or employers or occasionally the trials and tribulations of love), but august is almost out and i've not written anything.  I just voted in one of those polls on Facebook and thought i'd take the opportunity to sneak in a blog about it before the end of the month.

So i voted "Yes" in the would you support a ban on handguns poll.  Actually i said, 

ALL firearms should be banned from the general public and only allowed for law enforcement agencies, nat'l guard & military. We live in a stable republic not some banana republic, or country divided by clans or tribes. There is little chance that Queen Elizabeth will force us to give her quarter or that Colonel Mustard will stage a coup d'etat with a candlestick, draggin Obama out of the White House in his PJs. No tribal leader or Imam is gonna raise an army to run roughshod over your town or state, raping your cows and stealing your women. The Second Amendment is totally out-dated.

One last thing i would like to do with our guns is to hunt down all the NRA members and put them out of our misery.  They may not hold a gun to our congressperson's head to get their votes, but they do use something nearly as evil to get their votes:money-- so they can point their guns at other living things. 

Actually, i think if we do this piece-meal, we should start with automatic/semi-automatic/assault weapons. Honestly, why do you need the right to have these things?  To hunt??!  I think it would be more of a sport if you didn't have a weapon that sprayed bullets like a fire hose.  Those things aren't meant for killing animals, they're meant for killing people en mass.  

Maybe we don't take guns away from people, we just make their sale to civilians illegal, IDK.  Something needs to be done.  People certainly don't need a machine gun to protect their home or hunt deer, that's for damn sure.

Would violence go down in a country without guns?  No, i don't expect it would.  People are still gonna get angry or be psycho.  They'll find other ways of killing people.  That is because we are human.  That is what we do.  We love to kill and hurt other humans.  Humans are no gosh damn good and i relish the day that they are wiped clean from the face of the Earth.  I digress.  Maybe without guns the violent crime rate might not decrease, but hopefully the homicide rate would.  With guns it is so easy to end a life, without, one would more than likely have to work harder, get closer, be stronger to take a life.  Plus, you've less of a chance of an innocent bystander being felled by a stray bullet, like the 13 year old who was not affiliated with a gang, was minding his business ordering pizza with a friend.  The sidewalk of Highland Park is stained were he bled to death in the arms of his friend.

What we need is not a debate on whether or not guns should be legal, but rather a debate on how to eliminate them from the public at large.  Just my opinion.  Apparently i am in the minority: of the over 55 000 Facebook members that have taken the poll, 89% say no to gun control.  Shocking. I think people want to not be gunless against an armed criminal i guess.  I know you've your opinion, so let's hear it.

17 July 2009


OK, so i am being threatened on many different fronts.  It started in college with those e-mails.  Then on myspace, through bulletins.  Over the last couple years i received them through texts on my mobile.  Now, finally, it has caught up to me on facebook.  I hear it happens on YouTube as well.

I speak, of course, of chain-mail.  No, not what knights wore in the days of yore.  Rather, i speak the sometimes deceptive, usually threatening, and always annoying chain-letters.  Yes, like a virus, they have mutated on pandemic proportions into many different forms of chain- . . . whatever: chain-bulletins, chain-texts, chain-apps, chain-videos.

I understand that this shit even existed in the hey-days of snail mail.  People actually wasted money on paper, envelopes and stamps not to mention their precious time trying to write or use a typewriter (remember those?) to copy the same shit 10 or 20 times so that they could forward it to their unsuspecting friends and acquaintances.
They start off innocently enough sometimes, don’t they?  A touching story, a funny anecdote, a thoughtful wish or blessing.  Sometimes it is just straight religious propaganda.  Sometimes you know what’s coming and scroll right down to the bottom to find it: first, the fortune .

Send/forward this message to 30 of your closest friends and you :
~        Will come into financial well-being
~        Will find your true love at midnight tonight
~        Will be blessed by God and live an eternal after-life of peace
~        Et cetera

I’m sorry, do you really think that i believe this shit?!  So what is gonna happen, is a pumpkin coach gonna pull up, some frog gonna jump out and onto someone’s lap and magically turn into a fairy princess or prince charming when they kiss it?!!  Am i gonna win the lotto—i don’t even play the lotto!  Oh no, wait i’m gonna get rich cuz a long lost relative is gonna croak and leave me a million or two—well that’s nice: someone dies.  Idiots!!!  BTW, who has 30 close friends?!?!?

Oh, but wait…if you don’t send/forward this, it’s a threat you get: 
~        You will have seven years bad luck
~        You’ll never find true love
~        Die early
~        Et cetera

Are you fucking kidding me?!!  You’re threatening me!?!  Well, FUCK YOU!!!  How dare you, you god-damn, mother-fucking, cock-sucking, ass-licking, bitch-troll from hell, piece of shit!!!!!!!!!! Wait…! —Uncle Bob?!?!?!?! You sent this?!?!?!?!?  

The hell of it is i don’t ever recall receiving this shit in my bulk/junk folder as spam or otherwise from random people i don’t know.  No, sir.  The hell of it is, this bullshit is coming from friends and acquaintances, even family—WTF? 

I got a chain-text from my [unnamed relative] on Easter.  It was like, “Oh what did you get me for the holiday? Chain mail, oh great!  Now I’ll be protected from rogue knights with broadswords and angry great white sharks—oh, wait…wrong kind of chain mail.  You shouldn’t have.  No, really you shouldn’t have!”

My [other unnamed relative] sent me a chain-forward.  It was quite disgusting in that it was self-referential: the point of the story was that God would bless all those who read the forward, but you had to forward it to seven people.  It ended with, “93% of people won’t forward this.”  Gee, ya know why?  Cuz 93% of people are not dumb-ass superstitious suckers (at least w/ respect to chain-mail, remember nearly 50% of people elected Bush—twice!)

I don't care to receive chain-mail from you.  I consider them THREATS--and i don't take too kindly to threats.  A friend wouldn't wish me years of bad luck for neglecting to forward some fucking e-message anyway; s/he'd just wish me good luck and always hope the best for me.....

If the forwarded message is something you really think i need to see, then at least delete the do or die part at the bottom.

Bottom line, as far as chain mail: don’t dare send this shit my way or I’ll run you through with my sword—right through your chain-mail!  Oops, i just threatened you.  My bad!

But seriously, i think this is a very important topic.  We need to spread the word.  If you read and agree with my message, you should cut and paste this and send it off to 30 of your closest friends.  If you don’t, you’ll continue to be cursed with  . . . wait for it . . . chain-mail!  Ironic, no?  Damn, i did it again!  Apologies for the threats.

07 July 2009

Rest In Peace, Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009

I was fortunate enough to have been in attendance for Michael Jackson's memorial service today.  The service was held at Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.  Over 1 million people registered for tickets to the memorial.  Only 8 750 were selected in a lottery to receive 2 tickets.  My friends Robert and Ray were among the lucky few.  Thanks to Robert for inviting me.

We left early, expecting a ton of traffic and people afoot, knowing that several streets would be closed to traffic this day.  There were so many police around.  I think the entire payroll of the LAPD was on duty this day.  I saw just about every means of police transport aside from the mobile SWAT station and the battering ram.  There were police on foot, in black and whites (reg. squad cars), in unmarked cars, on horseback, on bicycles, on segways and even golf carts.

Everything was calm and orderly.  There were a handful of pricks holding signs reading, "GOD HATES FAGS," "JACKO IN HELL," "GOD HATES YOU" --just some wicked stuff.  But worry not, these are the true sinners who twist the word of the Lord and Jesus who will be going to hell.  Just some of the scum of the Earth that Michael had to endure whilst alive. Gosh bless their right to free speech, though.

We got to our seats on the premier level, right in front of the luxury suites.  Decent view.  The service began with Smokey Robinson reading condolences from Dianna Ross and Nelson Mandela.  There was then a long break.  As Michael's family and other celebrities, like Kobe Bryant, entered the arena the crowd clapped and cheered.  Then they brought in Michael's coffin.  Standing-O.  There were a pair of young ladies in front of us that were totally distraught over Michael's passing.  One knew they were the kind that would cry and scream and faint at a concert.  Here they could barely hold it together.  Such was the power of Michael.  I'm sure many like them were stationed throughout the arena, nearly hysterical over the tremendous grief and sense of loss we all felt on some level.

It really was a beautiful service.  I'm sure i need not describe it as i'll bet most of the world was watching.  I especially liked the performance by Stevie Wonder--another legend in the industry who also got his start as a child.  My favorite speech/eulogy was delivered by the Reverend Al Sharpton.  All the eulogies and performances were moving, though.  From the lightheartedness of Magic Johnson's rememberances to the struggle of Brooke Shields'.  I don't think anyone left the arena who hadn't shed a tear or at least welled up a bit.  If the rest of the service didn't get to you, then surely the end did, when one of Michael's children spoke.  Truley heartbreaking, truely.

It was a very emotional ceremony.  Before we left this morning, my friend asked if i was gonna cry as he stuffed tissue into his pocket.  I scoffed and said, "no."  I did not expect the service to be so moving to me.  I shed a tear more than once.  I don't think that if i had watched it on TV that i'd've had the same emotional reactions.  There is something about being in that space with all that emotion.  To be there to hear the cries and wails in the arena between speakers and performers, which one could not hear on the telecast.  People shouting out to Michael, as he lay inside his golden casket--truely befitting of a king.  Shouting out, "Michael, i love you!"  "Michael, you are my hero!" "Long live the king of pop!" and such and hearing the applauding approval from the rest of the crowd after each shout.  To hear the emotion in their wails. To see people fall to their knees crying out for their hero.  To feel the emotion vibrate though your skin to your bone--through your heart and soul--from the voices of the performers and eulogizers like Usher and Marlon.  It is just something which cannot be transmitted though airwaves and LCD screens.  It truely was an experience i shall never forget.

Michael, may you finally rest forever in peace.  You touched the world and we shall never forget.

13 June 2009


I don’t want you to love me.  I can’t handle it.  I don’t want any of you to love me.  I cannot love.  It’s not my time to.  I have lost the will to.  All I want is friendship.  There is no way for me to reciprocate certain feelings.  If you think you might love me, I cannot love you back, so what kind of relationship is that?  I don’t need the fucking drama.  I really don’t.  I don’t even know how to manifest feelings properly.  Lately, I just sit and cry.

Once upon a time, I could be a sweet guy:  i am in no hurry to even start dating again. I don't even see it on the horizon, though i do know i don't want to grow old alone. Even though I cannot do it now, I really hope that at one point I will be able to find the courage to stop my life once I get too old and alone.

It is very hard for me to muster up feelings that used to come so easily for me. I used to be a really sweet guy. You know, romantic talk, sweet texts, poetry, little random presents, simple things to make another smile, even sympathy or empathy. The thought of these things sometimes turns my stomach and brings a bad taste in my mouth. I've even to relearn how to act in public. I feel i've emerged jaded and cynical and shallow and un-caring. This too, makes me sad.

09 June 2009


Tears come easily to me these days, but I know not why.  There is a river at my feet, where there was not one before, not for years anyway.  I’ve spent so much time with friends lately, but somehow I feel so alone.  My feelings are heightened.  When I am mad, I punch things; my right hand is swollen.  When I am sad, I cry, sometimes uncontrollably.  Sometimes on the street, in front of people.  Sometimes by myself, in my palms.  Sometimes, I think of feelings and my heart sinks.  Sometimes I think of feeling and my heart  tears.  Sometimes I just don’t care anymore.   Sometimes, I just want to say good bye and wish everyone well.

05 June 2009

OYG (Oh Your God)

I recently read an article about how the USA is moving closer towards non-participation in religion.  This is significant because, EVERY other industrialized nation is far ahead of this move.  

Finally, the US is catching up with the rest of the industrial world.  Religion is not necessary for a fulfilling life of morality or happiness. Why do people need others to tell them what to do; to tell them what is right and wrong? Should we risk spreading HIV or bringing unwanted & unneeded babies into this world just cuz the Pope says don't use condoms? Should we believe preachers who call homosexuality an abomination on Sunday and have a tryst with a gay lover on Monday? The world would be better off without religion. Members of each and every religious sect would say that religion unites, but it only unites like-minded people. Overall, religions separate and discriminate against the human race.  Like the rift between North American and African Anglicans.  Or the belief in succession after Mohammed's death (Sunni v. Shiite), itself a basis for rising hostilities which has led to war.   In truth, religion is not run by any god, but by man. Fallible man.  Put a man in power of something and watch the morals melt away and the greed and power mongering pour in: A Cardinal who plays a shell game with his pedophile priests.  A preacher who lives the high life in a big mansion whilst preaching the virtues of a life of modesty.  A King who wishes to break the covenant of marriage and breaks away from the church to form his own, so he can divorce.  A preacher who, though married, seeks the professional, carnal company of another, paying her out of the collection plate.  A succession of Popes who reappoint a Grand Inquisitor to torture non-Christians into the faith despite brotherly love and forgiveness being two of the most basic tenets of their religion. 
Now don’t judge me just yet….  I believe that that religion gives people hope, it does provide people with morals.  Not all of what the bible says is bad; yet, the simple realization of this fact—the fact that the Bible is nowadays only partially valid—is enough for me to say, you know what?  I know what is right and what is wrong; what is moral and what is not.  I don’t need some man in a robe to tell me what, or what else.  Religion IS NOT INNATE.  It is the product of human free-will and conscienceness.

Now, granted morality is totally societal-based, not innate.  Innate thoughts are what lead us to kill or be killed.  Innateness, let’s us be savages; the human consciousness is what divides us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Human consciousness, led us to great inventions like the wheel, the spear, agriculture, imagination (fun), government, laws and morals.  Unfortunately, it also brought us, greed, envy, hatred, government and imagination (religion).  Has humanity grown too big for its own good?  For the Earth’s own good?  For the animal kingdom’s own good? 
Again, I do not think I am better than you.  If you truly know me, you will know that this is true.  I think I am a piece of shit.  I think I am no good to anyone (unless they want to use me, which is not uncommon).  I think I should die right here, right now.  (I cannot come to kill myself, cuz I’m too much of a coward, but if you wanna do it, please go right the fuck ahead, I don’t give a fucking shit).  Now, that said.  I am NOT holier than thou.  While I am still breathing, I think I’ll be human and voice my opinion.  If you don’t like it, so be it.  You are human and I respect you.  If you would deny me my opinion, so be it you are human and what else would I expect from you?  Humans are no gosh damn good.  All of them.  All humans must die.
Again, I digress.  Like I said, religions give hope to the world, and goodness knows most people need hope; need hope to be happy; to be complacent; to remain sane; to stay alive.  Some people need direction and don’t have it within themselves or their immediate community to give it to them.  In such cases, religion is a, well, blessing to them.  The weak.  Yeah, I said it.  It is my opinion.  Never talk to me again, see if I care. 
It just shows your fucking ignorance and arrogance, if you are soooo weak as to believe EVERYTHING SOMEONE ELSE tells you; to fall hook, line and sinker.  See…, just like a fucking human!  Just don’t equate human with humane!  All of you pious fucks who are totally devout, but only to your own brand of Christianity or Muslim or Judaism, fuck you!  You are no better than any participant in the Irish Catholic- British Protestant conflicts, the Sunni-Shiite conflicts, the Holocaust, the Palestinian-Isreali conflicts, the Talibani-Afghani conficts, the Inquisition….  You are no better than people in the 1800’s who opposed Irish-American & “white” Americans from being married.  You are no better than people in the in the 1900s who opposed blacks and whites from being married.  You are no better than people in the 2000s who oppose a man & a man or a woman & a woman from being married. 
Yet again, I am off on tangents.  My thing is, it’s okay to have religion, to believe and have faith in that which you cannot see, in that which has no logical proof--but don’t follow blindly, don’t be total sheep (sorry Catholics, the lambs of God).  Use religion as a guide, as advice; but don’t trust it blindly.  Think for yourselves.  Use religion as a stepping stone to true human consciousness, not as a substitute for it.  I do not look down on people with religion.  To believe in whatever you like is a human TRAIT, and therefore an indeniable human right, such as freedom of speech, thought, creed and the right to life, liberty and happiness. 
It would be nice if we could all have the same religion, wouldn’t it?  But that would never last and you know it.  Not if God gives humans free-will.  Someone, somewhere will come up with another sect, branch.  Humans will become corrupt and there will be another Martin Luther posting shit on a door. 
It would be nice if we could all not believe in religion, but just the same set of laws and morals, idk, let’s call it government.  Not if God gives us free-will.  Someone, somewhere will get greedy and power hungry and oppress those for his or her own gain.
To be fallible is human.  God’s great experiment is through.  Game over.  All humans must die.
I do not discriminate against anyone in particular.  I am an equal-opportunity discriminator.  Everyone dies.  End of story.  Fuck humans!
Now…, go ahead and begin hating me silently or tearing me apart openly, cuz you know what, I don’t give a flying fuck!


[Someone on FB recently requested my birthdate for their calendar. I started writing this, but did not send it. I cut it and pasted it here for my future amusement. I sent a much shorter and less morbid two-line message to him.]

Thank you for your recent request to record my date of birth. Apparently, i've not told you i am not normal. My DOB is nothing to be remembered nor celebrated. I do not. I'd much rather forget it. Yet, somehow, someone always brings it up. I hate it. I am always depressed and very nasty around that time (if i remember it). It brings me sorrow. Sorrow that i was even born (i know a few who will agree with me on that!) I hate humans. On the other hand, as long as i am too cowardly to take my own life, i will extend kindness and friendship to, well, my friends (and some of my family). I'll try to make the best of life, even though i hope it ends very soon. I can wear a smile but it is but a mask. A mask hiding the deep hatred for life and the human race. I am also very found of whisky and vodka. So that helps too.

Oh, don't get me wrong, i can have fun. I enjoy many things in life: your birthday, good friends, good whisky, good music, some of my family, a winning Dodger game, the sweet actions of an as yet innocent child, birds, bees, "the birds and the bees" (wink-wink), the tree leaves blowing in an autumn breeze, the waves of blue crashing on sand of white et cetera. It is humans who ruin everything. I should've been born an eagle or maybe a redwood.  

Ha! both currently being killed by humans...well, whadya know bout that?!!

Fuck everything and everyone!

20 May 2009


So i am on twitter now.  Ugh, something new to keep up with.  I am not really serious about it.  I just feel like i don’t wanna miss out on something, i guess.  Haha, i'm such a loser!  Honestly, i don’t see what the big deal about it is.  Or is that just cuz i have a smart phone, and easy access to FB & Myspace?  I guess that’s the deal, right?  If you can’t easily access those two, to let your friends know what you are doing, you can just tweet by a simple text.  For me, i can just update my status easily on FB or MS via my Blackberry. Therefore, i'll probably not be using it that much.

Only a couple people are following me.  I am following mostly news sites:  Al Jazeera, CNN, NPR and the Dodgers.  I could care less what every celeb is doing.  I don’t understand that obsession.  I’m not sure why you want people to know what you’re doing all the time though.  Hmmm, what shall i tweet…?

I’m waking up.
I’m  in my cubicle at work, looking at porn.
I’m taking a dump.
I’m skimming the books and setting up a swiss account.
I’m  picking my nose.
I’m eating at Mc Donald’s.
I’m throwing up what I just ate.
I’m at the club.
me druunk as fcuk!!!
Wher my kees go?
Car in dich, anyone can picks me up?

If you wanna really see what i just twat on twitter i’m _rytweet.  That’s right, i said twat, you cunt, whaderya gonna do about it?!  Sometimes i like to make weak verbs strong, just for the hell of it.  Observe:

Tweet, twat, twit:  I tweet now.  I twat yesterday.  I had twit that already.
Shave, shove, shaven:  I shave regularly.  I shove this morning.  I had shaven already.
Wave, wove, woven:  I wave.  I wove to you earlier.  I had woven to you when you turned around.
Well, you get the idea.  Yeah, I’m a big fucking dork, whatever.  It’s not breaking news.  Get over it.