16 November 2009


This is what i filled out for a form for a website that asked me to help repeal anti gay marriage laws. It asked me to fill out an "About Me" and a "What marriage means to me." I had nothing to say about me, but each section only 1500 characters and it takes more than 1500 characters to even briefly explain what marriage means to me so i had to utilize the "About Me" section to write a semi-description of how i felt.

[website is: http://www.signforequality.com/ i tried to sign up thru Safari, but it wouldn't work so i opened up Firefox to sign up successfully]

Though i never plan on getting married and am atheist, this is not about love or religion for me; this is about equality! If i had my druthers, i'd not let the state "marry" gays--OR straights! Marriage seems more suited for religious institutions. But alas, the issue it seems, is already married to government. This is the kind of shit that happens when church and state mingle. If it really is about "protecting" the institution of marriage, then relegate it to the church. Then we shall see how many back down and how many bigots are still resistant to equal rights for the LGBT community. Like i said, this about EQUALITY. Civil Unions are the LGBT's "colored only" water fountains. We learned from Brown v. Board that SEPARATE IS NOT EQUAL. SEGREGATION IS WRONG. DISCRIMINATION IS EVIL. Civil unions are NOT totally equal, in fact. All this does is make us 2d class citizens! This is not India, damn it! I will NOT be relegated to a lower caste! This is America, founded on idea of equality. Though Equality did not originally apply to all, America has come to realize it's wrongs and been corrected and the general poulation has come to see such decisions as right. Women, Blacks, Irish, Amer-indians, Catholics, children (by proxy), the un-unionized et al. have had to fight and struggle to show America as a whole the right path. This is OUR cause, OUR future path. We must again show America the correct path.

They say ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law! I say that the law is no excuse for ignorance! People must be set straight!

For the religious objectors, i say, we are not trying to change your religion! You may continue to believe and practice whatsoever you may wish. Religious organizations are private organizations and if you wish to be discriminating, that is your prerogative. All we ask is that you not ask our government, which should represent ALL of the people, to discriminate based on your religious sect's beliefs and values, which represent only SOME of the people of the nation. Surely you cannot deny the logic in this statement if you exist in a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. We do not ask you to live our "life style," as you call it, we ask that you live and let live. Two people in love and wishing to express that love through a government sanctioned institution should not be denied such an opportunity. The government grants certain rights, benefits and privileges to those married. All we ask is for the same rights, benefits and privileges, for we pay the same taxes. Actually we pay more taxes, because we do not share the same rights, benefits and privileges as married folks. That's right, some of us pay more to be discriminated against! Oh, the privilege of that!! >:o(  
We do not seek to degrade your institution, indeed i think that heterosexual actions such as incest, polygamy, rape, spousal-rape, adultry, and divorce have already done enough harm to the institution. Outlaw such things; but not love!

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