30 November 2009

Hide and Seek: Discovering LA's Hidden Oil Production.

Los Angeles -  This town started growing rapidly in the late 1800s with the arrival of the railroads from across the country.  People were lured here by the slogan, "Oranges for health, California for wealth."  Midwesterners were told of the new miracle fruit, the orange.  They were also told of the great potential of agriculture and abundance of water resources.  Such promises were highly exaggerated or straight-out lies, depending where you settled in the LA area, but many soon discovered a gold other than oranges: black gold.  

Los Angeles, it would turn out, sits atop the nation's 3d largest oil field.  Indeed by the early 1900s, the city's first skyscrapers were oil derricks, which densely sprung up from Venice to downtown, Hollywood to Signal Hill and beyond.  As the sub-terrain was seemingly drained, developers moved in to replace forests of oil fields with grand boulevards and single family homes.  

Yet today, throughout our city, oil drilling continues and not just in the very visible cities of Carson or Signal Hill.  Dotted throughout the urban core stand hidden oil derricks.  Slant drilling takes place--oil could be being pumped from right beneath your feet and you'd not know it.  These operations are disguised:  An obelisk-like structure on a high school campus; an island with no people, but tall "buildings;" an "office building" on a major thoroughfare with no windows.  Watch the video below to see a bit of hidden Los Angeles.


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