I have been moderately consistent with blogging this year (i know, i know, and i've never really been one to write anything in the past unless i was forced to by professors or employers or occasionally the trials and tribulations of love), but august is almost out and i've not written anything. I just voted in one of those polls on Facebook and thought i'd take the opportunity to sneak in a blog about it before the end of the month.
So i voted "Yes" in the would you support a ban on handguns poll. Actually i said,
ALL firearms should be banned from the general public and only allowed for law enforcement agencies, nat'l guard & military. We live in a stable republic not some banana republic, or country divided by clans or tribes. There is little chance that Queen Elizabeth will force us to give her quarter or that Colonel Mustard will stage a coup d'etat with a candlestick, draggin Obama out of the White House in his PJs. No tribal leader or Imam is gonna raise an army to run roughshod over your town or state, raping your cows and stealing your women. The Second Amendment is totally out-dated.
One last thing i would like to do with our guns is to hunt down all the NRA members and put them out of our misery. They may not hold a gun to our congressperson's head to get their votes, but they do use something nearly as evil to get their votes:money-- so they can point their guns at other living things.
Actually, i think if we do this piece-meal, we should start with automatic/semi-automatic/assault weapons. Honestly, why do you need the right to have these things? To hunt??! I think it would be more of a sport if you didn't have a weapon that sprayed bullets like a fire hose. Those things aren't meant for killing animals, they're meant for killing people en mass.
Maybe we don't take guns away from people, we just make their sale to civilians illegal, IDK. Something needs to be done. People certainly don't need a machine gun to protect their home or hunt deer, that's for damn sure.
Would violence go down in a country without guns? No, i don't expect it would. People are still gonna get angry or be psycho. They'll find other ways of killing people. That is because we are human. That is what we do. We love to kill and hurt other humans. Humans are no gosh damn good and i relish the day that they are wiped clean from the face of the Earth. I digress. Maybe without guns the violent crime rate might not decrease, but hopefully the homicide rate would. With guns it is so easy to end a life, without, one would more than likely have to work harder, get closer, be stronger to take a life. Plus, you've less of a chance of an innocent bystander being felled by a stray bullet, like the 13 year old who was not affiliated with a gang, was minding his business ordering pizza with a friend. The sidewalk of Highland Park is stained were he bled to death in the arms of his friend.
What we need is not a debate on whether or not guns should be legal, but rather a debate on how to eliminate them from the public at large. Just my opinion. Apparently i am in the minority: of the over 55 000 Facebook members that have taken the poll, 89% say no to gun control. Shocking. I think people want to not be gunless against an armed criminal i guess. I know you've your opinion, so let's hear it.
I have since changed my opinion on this topic. The populace should be allowed guns, lest the Capitalist-Imperialist regime that controls this country take an even more drastic turn against its own people. The power now lies with, NOT the politicians, but the multi-national corporations. They have the strings, but we have the guns. One day, logic- and time-willing, the working class will rise up and re-take the power. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!