03 December 2009

Regarding Tiger Woods and his recent adutlery:

Fuck that shit! I'm fucking tired of this Tiger shit! It is not for the public. I don't care if he is a public figure. He is famous for golf. Adultery has nothing to do with golf. He is not a preacher or a politician who left his post to fuck some bitch in S. America. People: he is not your friend, nor you his. This is a private matter between him and his family and others affected. This shit happens. It is sad and unfortunate and don't act like you've never sinned, people! I'm not saying he is right, but fuck, mind your own fucking business, people. There are bigger things in this world. Why is Dafur not in the news. Did everything just suddenly become hunky-dory there? What about apartheid in Palestine/Israel? What about death to gays in Uganda? What about Uighurs? Is Tibet free? What about Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, South Central, Detroit, Paris, Switzerland, the Philippines et al.?


Quit fucking laughing and making jokes on the goshdamn morning news; on the evening news. Is nothing sacred anymore? What the fuck has happened to journalistic integrity in this country? Why is the news a fucking laugh-fest now? Why must evening news compete with Jay Leno? Reality TV? Entertainment Tonight? TMmotherfuckingZ?!!!

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