01 August 2010

This made me cry.

I just saw this pic on the Facebook page, "Israel? No it's Palestine."  It made me cry.

A Palestinian child was waiting for the Fleet to arrive and having a
bunch of flowers in his hand.. Please share..
Un enfant palestinien
avec des fleurs qui attendait l'arrivé des bateaux de liberté qui ne
sont jamais arrivé merci de partager cette photo!
طفل فلسطيني يحمل
ورودا لقافلة الحرية التي التي لم تصل!رجاء إنشروا هذه الصورة

On 31 May 2010, the ship Mavi Mamara, one of six in a a flotilla of ships sponsored by the Turkish NGO, Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (IHH), which was bringing humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza, was boarded by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in international waters.  The IDF commandos killed 9 humanitarian workers and injured 30 others.  The flotilla was diverted to the Israeli port of Ashdod for inspection.  Any items not approved by Israel will not be transfered to the people of Gaza. 

 The need to try to break the illegal sea and land blockade around Gaza is great because Israel strictly limits the amount of material into the Gaza strip.  After 2008-09's Operation Cast Lead, in which Israel killed nearly 1400 Gazans (including 300+ children) and further devastated the infrastructure, destroying 11,000+ homes, 200 factories, 15 of 27 hospitals, 280 schools,
Israel still does not let in enough food or medical supplies to sustain the 1.5 million Palestinians of Gaza it holds captive in what has become the world's largest open-air prison.  Israel will not let in ANY building materials such as cement, rebar, wood, glass.  Meanwhile, Gazans sit in rubble--hungry, homeless and jobless.



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