18 August 2010

Come To Find

As i look into your lost eyes
I have to tell you
Need you to hear all of my cries
What have we come to

Stop causing all this agony
You're not the person
That i had really hoped you'd be
Thoughts of you worsen

     Yet you continually say
     He's beyond measure
     And so you really feel this way
     That he's a treasure

I know deep down you realize
Don't know why you try
To still believe all of the lies
And logic defy

And all of the signs you can see
Writing's on the wall
Why will you not just let him be
Or further you'll fall

     Know you fell really hard for him
     Don't want to let go
     But i don't think you're gonna win
     I know it hurts so

Your behavior reprehensive
Start making some sense
And your heart is too sensitive
Too great an expense

But all of this time
I have been calling you an ass
Now i come to find
Been staring at a looking glass

Ryan J. Nelson ©2010

I wielded something mightier than a sword and ended up cutting myself.  Yeah, i use pen and paper before i type it out.  I'm old-school like that!  


Injustice Cannot Defeat Injustice

"Can Muslims Be Good Americans?" - An exchange.

My friend sent me this email conversation and i just had to post it here (names withheld). Read till the end to see one Palestinian-American man's response to the points on why Muslims "cannot" be good Americans.
First, the following message was sent by Ms. "A" to a number of others, including Mr "B."
This is certainly 'food-for-thought'.
This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish.  And send it on to everyone.  Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities. 
Can a good Muslim be a good American?
This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.
The following is his reply:
Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia .
Religiously - no.. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam .  (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews .
Politically - no.. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great Satan.
Domestically - no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 ).
Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the American
Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually - no.. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. - - - They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans.  Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. ....
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.   SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
Please don't delete this until you send it on.

Mr "B's" response:

i went to an Anaheim Angel baseball game the other night and while I was waiting in line to go through security (no, not the ticket turnsile) I got to thinking about how we had got to this point.  I remember going to baseball games years ago and never would have thought we would have lines to stand in to go through security.  I also just got back from a trip where I stood in long lines to go through airline security where I had to almost undress.  Do you remember when flying was a real “treat” and was something you looked forward to and it was a real enjoyment.  But, now it

is just one big hassle….ask anyone if they enjoy flying today.  
Well, the reason we now all have to do is because of one thing….MUSLIMS…. no one other group, religion, country, nationality has done this to us…only the MUSLIMS…..they have created the terror that we concern ourselves with…and not only here, but all over the world.  Ask yourself….who else do you fear?  And we are to become even more tolerant of their religious rights and  want us to become sharia compliant, which means they have their laws and we have ours????  Unbelieveable……..AND THEN …..the final blow, to build a mosque right where THEY attacked us?  (build it, but not their which is their way of showing the world what they accomplished.
I hear people say that is not fair to the people who died there and I agree, but I go further…it is not fair to all of us that now have to go through
all the crap that we now go through to be concerned about another MUSLIM ATTACK on us.   And what makes it even more of a mockery, is that they check us Americans closer than they do the MUSLIMS as not to hurt their feelings and to be POLITICAL CORRECT……like we are going to attack ourselves…give me a break….BE TOLERANT????....WE ARE….AND IT HAS GONE TO FAR…..these people are not TOLERANT of our way of life which was here long before they came here…..EVERY HEAR ONE MUSLIM SAY HE WAS SORRY FOR WHAT HIS RELIGION HAS DONE TO US?   I HAVEN’T


[Mr "C" attached the original message from Ms "A" and forwarded it on]

Mr "C's" response to Mr "B."

Hey [Mr "B!"]
Nice to hear from you again!
I want to start out by saying im sorry you had to stand in line at the Angels game, i totally understand, it's like a bad traffic jam on friday night. And yea, no one is going to deny that flying can get annoying these days. To blame this on one sixth of the world population...now that's where I'm a bit lost. I mean come on, Timothy Mcvae, the guy who tried to blow up the IRS building last year because he was fed up with the economy, and hard core christian fanatics who have murdered doctors who work at abortion clinics create "terror" too. To blame a whole group of people on the acts of a few evil individuals is totally not fair, and it is not the "religion" which has done "this to us. Ever think that American Muslims also have to deal with the fact that their entire religion is labelled as violent because of what a few idiots did? I must say that i'm glad you sent this my way; sometimes it really helps to talk to someone who is actually Muslim about these issues :) If you take the time to read the quran and study islam you will find that in the quran it says in 5:32 that if someone murders one person it's as if he murdered all of mankind and if somone saves someone it's as if he saved all mankind. The Quran considers human life to be sacred and preaches tolerance and love of others. On a side note, if you'd like one i can get you an english copy of the quran and some more info on islam if you'd like. Or you can check out www.whyislam.org for more info. As for muslims and muslim leaders speaking out against this kind of stuff, check out the video below!
Below i have typed out a response to the email you forwarded me. Enjoy!


Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia .

Last time i checked the constitution states very clearly

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Our country is founded on the fact that you don't have to follow a specific belief to be a good American citizen. Also as a side note, Allah is simply the Arabic term for "God" and is also used by Arab Christians; Muslims don't believe in a moon god and believe in the same god as the Jews and the Christians.

Religiously - no.. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam . (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Religiously, just like members of Christianity and Judaism, Muslims consider Islam to be the correct religion. However it also states very clearly in the quran: "Let there be no compulsion in religion..." 2:256. Religion is a personal choice.

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Since there is no "american" scripture that "american" citizens are supposed to follow, this doesn't make much sense. American Jews follow the Torah and American Hindus follow the Vedas. There is no difference when you say that American Muslims follow the Quran. Moreover, the five pillars are simply personal spiritual duties which inclue prayer, charity, fasting, the declaration of faith, and pilgirmage; if we look closely we find that all religions have such duties and these duties don't clash with being a law-abiding, contributing american citizen.

Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Mecca is considered a holy location to muslims just like jerusalem is considered holy to both christians and jews. Muslims face in that direction to pray so that all muslims will be united when they pray (meaning that a chinese muslim and a danish muslim will both be praying towards the same direction when they pray). If you ask any American Muslim where their home is and what their nationality, they will tell you i'm american just like you.

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews .

This is false. I am Muslim and i have a lot of non-muslim friends, and even non-Muslim family members. Moreover the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself historically made alliances with the Jews of madina and was close friends with the christian king of abyssinia. Check up your history! :)

Politically - no.. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great Satan.

Currently i would say that there are no "islamic" countries which actually rule according to the true teachings of Islam. Moreover it is stated very clearly in the quran in 4:135 that muslims must stand up for justice and against injustice no matter who the one who is doing the injustice is. So actually it would be against Islam to "submit" to anyone who teaches the annhialation of innocent civilians.

Domestically - no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )

Muslim men are not instructed to marry four women. Moreover, it says in the quran in 4:19, a few verses earlier addressing Muslim men "...live with them on a footing of kindness and equity..." In another verse of the Quran it states: "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect"(Rum:26)

Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the American

Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Although the Muslim believes that the bible has been changed over time and that there are clear theological issues with the accuracy of the bible, it is considered to have originally been a respected revelation of God to mankind through prophet jesus peace be upon him. Moreover, as a Muslim who knows the quran and the constitution well, i can confidently say that the honorable principles of the consitution also mirror the principles of the Quran.

Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Again, refer to verse 2:256 "let there be no compulsion in religion". Moreover it is historically a well known fact that the golden age of spain was actually when it was under Muslim rule because Muslim rulers were so tolerant of non-Muslims, particularly the jews. It was only with the reconquista of spain that the jews were expelled under the catholic rulers king ferdinand and queen isabella. Check it out! Really cool history btw!

Spiritually - no.. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Here are some of the 99 names of Allah:

Al-Rahman: the most compassionate
Al Raheem: the most merciful
Al Salam: the bestower of peace
Al Ghaffar: the forgiver
Al Lateef: the gentle
Al Shakur: the appreciative
Al Kareem: the generous

Al Wadud: the loving One

you're probably thinking...huh? but yea...i can go on and on :)

Sincerely, [Mr "C"] :)

17 August 2010

Abracadabra! BP's Disappearing Act

So a few weeks ago, it was reported that the oil in the Gulf of Mexico had seemingly  disappeared and BP and the government were having trouble finding it in the great masses that had been floating around for months before.  The article reprinted below tells us why.  

First hand accounts tell us that people who had been hired to find the oil slicks, report it AND remove it, are actually being told NOT to remove the oil from the water once they report it. They are sent away after reporting it and BP has outside contractors come in and use chemical dispersants on it under cover of darkness, something that had reportedly been stopped weeks ago.  

The reason for using dispersants?  As reported previously on this blog, the dispersants make the oil cluster into blobs, which then sink beneath the surface of the water. Well no wonder why the oil is disappearing!  Also reported in the same article is the fact that the oil beneath the surface is just as, if not more, harmful to the local ecosystem as it is when it's floating.  

Another concern of using chemical dispersants is the harmful heath effects caused to humans, as also reported previously in this blog. The chemicals used seem to possibly be "frying the brains" of local fishermen and rendering their lungs to look like they were multi-packs-a-day smokers.

The conclusion of the article below is that BP is still using chemical dispersants to hide the oil, because if the oil is actually cleaned up, it can be quantified.  If it can be quantified, BP will be fined even more ($4 000 a barrel, by one account). Apparently this is too great a cost for a company who reported 2010 first quarter profits of 5.598 billion dollars (that is about 56 million dollars a day in profit).

The following article is reprinted from the Zero Hedge website.

BP Vessel of Opportunity Workers Allege that Oil Is Not Being Cleaned Up During the Day ... Instead, Corexit Is Being Sprayed at Night

George Washington's picture

The government and BP have said that no dispersants have been sprayed in the Gulf since the well was partially capped on July 15th.
However, local residents have been saying for weeks that Corexit is still being sprayed.
Admiral Allen wouldn't deny this allegation unequivocally as of August 9th.
On August 10th, the Destin Log reported:
Lt. Cmdr. Dale Vogelsang, liaison officer with the United State Coast Guard, told The Log he had contacted Unified Command and they had “confirmed” that dispersants were not being used in Florida waters. “Dispersants are only being used over the wellhead in Louisiana,” Vogelsang said. “We are working with Eglin and Hurlburt to confirm what the flight pattern may be. But right now, it appears to be a normal flight.”

Vogelsang also said Unified Command confirmed to him that C-130s have never been used to distribute dispersants, as they “typically use smaller aircraft.”

But according to an article by the 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office, based in Youngstown, OH., C-130H Hercules aircraft started aerial spray operations Saturday, May 1, under the direction of the president of the United States and Secretary of Defense. “The objective of the aerial spray operation is to neutralize the oil spill with oil dispersing agents,” the article states.

A July Lockheed Martin Newsletter states that “Lockheed Martin aircraft, including C-130s and P-3s, have been deployed to the Gulf region by the Air Force, Coast Guard and other government customers to perform a variety of tasks, such as monitoring, mapping and dispersant spraying.”

Neither of the articles specify the operations have taken place in Florida.

After The Log spoke with Vogelsang Friday morning, he once again reiterated that “no dispersants were being used in Florida waters,” and no dispersants have been used anywhere since mid-July. When The Log asked Vogelsang about the two articles, which state C-130s have been used for dispersant spraying, he said “if they were being used here locally to spray dispersants, then Unified Command didn’t know about it.”
In fact, there are photos and video of C-130s dropping dispersant in the Gulf.
On August 9th, award-winning journalist Dahr Jamail wrote:
Dean Blanchard, one of the most important seafood purchasers in Louisiana, recently attended a Town Hall Meeting with a BP representative in Grand Isle, Louisiana.

In the meeting, Blanchard stands up and addresses the BP representative at length.

Blanchard had clearly heard enough of BP’s propaganda. To the representatives’ request to have someone explain to him why BP would not want to clean up the oil, Blanchard angrily obliged:

“Because it’s more cost effective for ya’ll to come at night and sink the son-of-a-bitch! When the oil’s coming around, they call ya’ll, they tell ya’ll where the oil’s at, and the first thing ya’ll do is tell them to go the other way, ya’ll send the planes, and ya’ll fucking sink it! [Spray dispersants from the air] That’s what ya’ll are doing, come on man!” He sits back down angrily. “Let’s quit playing over here and tell the truth. Ya’ll are sinking the oil, Jason! You know ya’ll are sinking it. You know what ya’ll are doing. Ya’ll are sending all the boats, you’re putting them all in a group at night, we all hear the planes, and the next morning there’s nothing but white bubbles! What do you think, we’re stupid? We’re not stupid! Ya’ll are putting the oil on the bottom of my fishing grounds! Ya’ll not only messing me up now, ya’ll are messing me up for the rest of my life! I ain’t gonna live long enough to buy anymore shrimp!”
Today, Jamail reports that several people working with BP's Vessels-of-Opportunity program have confirmed this allegation:
[PhD marine biologist Ed Cake, who has worked for the past couple of decades growing the Gulf oyster industry along side the oil business, usually working for both industries simultaneously] wrote of the experience: "When the vessel was stopped for sampling, small, 0.5- to 1.0-inch-diameter bubbles would periodically rise to the surface and shortly thereafter they would pop leaving a small oil sheen. According to the fishermen, several of BP's Vessels-Of-Opportunity  (Carolina Skiffs with tanks of dispersants [Corexit]) were hand spraying in Mississippi Sound off the Pass Christian Harbor in prior days/nights. It appears to this observer that the dispersants are still in the area and are continuing to react with oil in the waters off Pass Christian Harbor."


A resident, who has a yacht in the harbor, spoke with Truthout on condition of anonymity due to fears of reprisal from BP. "Last week we were sitting on our boat and you could smell the chemicals," he explained. "It smelt like death. It was like mosquito spray, but ten times stronger. The next day I was hoarse and my lungs felt like I'd been in a smoky bar the night before."


Truthout spoke with another man, who was recently laid off from the VOO program. He also spoke on condition of anonymity. "Just the other day one of the Carolina Skiffs passed us spraying something," he said. "We went west instead of east as we turned and a group of Carolina Skiffs was spraying something over the water."

A Carolina Skiff is a type of boat, usually between 13' and 30' long, very versatile and can function well in shallow or deep waters. They are known for having a large payload capacity and a lot of interior space.

Alarmed by what he saw, the former VOO worker called the Coast Guard to report what he believed was a private contractor company spraying dispersants. "We were later told by the Coast Guard they'd investigated the incident and told us what we saw were vacuum boats sucking oil, and they were rinsing their tanks," he said. "But we know this is a lie and that BP is using these out of state contractors to come in and spray the dispersant at night and they are using planes to drop it as well."

He worked in the VOO program looking for oil. When his team would find oil, upon reporting it, they would consistently be sent away without explanation or the opportunity to clean it. "They made us abort these missions," he said. "Two days ago I put out boom in a bunch of oil for five minutes, they told me to abort the mission, so I pulled up boom soaked in oil. What the hell are we doing out there if they won't let us work to clean up the oil?"

He told Truthout that as his and other VOO teams would be going out to work on the water in the morning, they would pass the out-of-state contractors in Carolina Skiffs coming in from what he believed to be a covert spraying of the oil with dispersant in order to sink it. He believes this was done to deliberately prevent the VOO teams from finding and collecting oil. By doing so, BP's liability would be lessened since the oil giant will be fined for the amount of oil collected.
"BP brings in the Carolina Skiffs to spray the dispersant at night," he added, "And they are not accountable to the Coast Guard."

James Miller, who had taken the group out into the Mississippi Sound that found the oil/dispersants on August 11, told Truthout that the Carolina Skiff teams spraying dispersants were "common" and that it "happened all the time."
Miller, who was in the VOO, is an eyewitness to planes spraying dispersants, as well as the Carolina Skiff crews doing the same.

"We'd roll up on a patch of oil ½ mile wide by one mile long and they'd hold us off from cleaning it up," Miller, speaking with Truthout at his home in D'Iberville, Mississippi, said. "We'd leave and the Carolina Skiffs would pull up and start spraying dispersants on the oil. The guys doing the spraying would wear respirators and safety glasses. Their boats have 375 gallon white drums full of the stuff and they could spray it out 150 feet. The next day there'd be the white foam that's always there after they hit the oil with dispersants."

Some nights VOO crews would sleep out near the work sites. "We'd sleep out there and some nights the planes would come in so close the noise would wake us from a dead sleep," Miller added. "Again, we'd call in the oiled areas during the day and at night the planes would come in and hit the hell out of it with dispersants. That was the drill. We'd spot it and report it. They'd call us off it and send guys out in the skiffs or planes to sink it."

Mark Stewart, from Ocean Springs, Mississippi, was in the VOO program for 70 days before being laid off on August 2. The last weeks has seen BP decreasing the number of response workers from around 45,000 down to around 30,000. The number is decreasing by the day.

Stewart, a third generation commercial fisherman, ... like Miller, is an eyewitness to planes dispensing dispersant at night, as well as the Carolina Skiff crews spraying dispersant. "I worked out off the barrier islands of Mississippi," Stewart said. "They would relentlessly carpet bomb the oil we found with dispersants, day and night."

Stewart, echoing what VOO employees across the Gulf Coast are saying, told Truthout his crew would regularly find oil, report it, be sent away, then either watch as planes or Carolina Skiffs would arrive to apply dispersants, or come back the next day to find the white foamy emulsified oil remnant that is left on the surface after oil has been hit with dispersants.

Stewart added, "Whenever government people, state or federal, would be flying over us, we'd be instructed to put out all our boom and start skimming, acting like we were gathering oil, even when we weren't in the oil."

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