31 May 2010



Looks like Israel is following the example set by the CIA and Bush/Cheney to legitimatize a preemptive war against Iraq. There were no WMDs and there are no links to Al Qaeda! I'll post more later.

Protest today against Israel's actions at the Israeli Consulate, 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90048 at 4:30pm.

Memorial Day

(USA) Today is MEMORIAL DAY, where Americans pause to remember our fallen soldiers, including those NEEDLESSLY SENT TO THEIR DEATHS by Bush and Obama. As we remember our fallen let us also not forget all the civilians, including children that our soldiers have MURDERED. This is also a good time to recognize that your American tax dollars are funding another army (Israel) who oppresses and murders PALESTINIANS.

Today, in fact, ISRAEL MASSACRED 9 UNARMED people on a Freedom Flotilla ship which was delivering HUMANITARIAN AID to the besieged people of GAZA.

Protest today against Israel's actions at the Israeli Consulate, 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90048 at 4:30pm.

27 May 2010

Gulf Oil Spill

Bush, Cheney and the oil industry were the architects of this disaster. A disaster that never needed to happen if we had a strict rules as Norway and Brazil have.

Read all about it here:
Dubya : The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Bush, Cheney and Halliburton: The making of a disaster.


Photographers Say BP Restricts Access to Oil Spill (Newsweek)

The ability to document a disaster, particularly through images, is key to focusing the nation’s attention on it, and the resulting clean-up efforts. Within days of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, pictures of dead otters, fish, and birds, as well as oil-covered shorelines, ignited nationwide outrage and led to a backlash against Exxon. Consumers returned some 10,000 of Exxon’s 7 million credit cards. Forty days after the spill, protestors organized a national boycott of Exxon. So far, no national boycott of BP is in the works, despite growing frustration over the company’s inability to cap the leaking well. Obviously, pictures are emerging from this spill, but much of the images are coming from BP and government sources.


Read the Newsweek article


Ground zero mosque touches off right-wing panic

The community board in lower Manhattan has endorsed, by a 29-to-1 vote, a plan to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center about two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center. Predictably, outrage has erupted. If you type "mosque" into Google, the first suggestion is "mosque at ground zero," which gives a sense of how quickly this has moved into the popular consciousness.

Mark Williams, a Tea Party leader and Fox News commentator, wrote on his blog, "The monument would consist of a Mosque for the worship of the terrorists' monkey-god." He added, "In the meantime I have a wonderful idea along the same lines as that mosque at Ground Zero thing… a nice, shiny new U.S. Military Base on the smoldering ruins of Mecca. Works for me!"

Read the full article from Salon: Ground zero mosque touches off right-wing panic


25 May 2010

Time Warner Cable, How I Do Loathe Thee!

Can i just tell you how fucking much i HATE Time Warner Cable? Please? OK, here goes (from my twitter account):

I fucking swear, if TimeWarnerCable were a person, i'd murder her! Quit fucking with my #Dodgers game! #goshmutherfuckingdamnpieceofshitcunt

I might as well listen to the game on the radio, cuz this Time Warner transmission keeps blacking out! #Dodgers #Cubs #shittyoverpricedcable

Some of the most evil things in history: Torquemada, Hitler, the Eighteenth Amendment, Jiang Qing, Israel, God & TIME WARNER CABLE!!! Grrrr!

I wanna get all Torquemada on Time Warner Cable's ass after a Twenty-first Amendment binge. #drunkANDpissedoffryanisntpretty

I wish TimeWarnerCable's headquarters were located ontopof the DeepwaterHorizon oil rig! Eww, can u imagine how much dirtier the gulf'd be?!

Time Warner Cable can suck my ripe, un-showered ass after i've eaten a bushel of beans!

If the FBI could read my thoughts, i'd be arrested for making XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX against a certain corporation.

Subscribing to Time Warner Cable makes the baby Jesus cry!

Teacher says, every time Time Warner's phone rings for a new subscription, an angel goes to hell!

I think the oil spill was caused by someone on the rig throwing the tv at the well cuz Time Warner's service sucks ass!

The Titanic didn't sink, cuz it hit an iceberg. It sank cuz it hit a big piece of Time Warner's bullshit!

The Jews didn't kill Jesus, Time Warner's ancestors did.

Time Warner is the main cause of global warming, due to the steam coming out of its subscribers' ears!

In 2012, Time Warner will take over all TV transmission, bringing about the end of the world as predicted.

Oil spill was caused by Time Warner execs vacationing. When they went 4 a swim, they made the water all dirty w/ their slimy scummy selves!

The real end of 24 was that Time Warner was behind all the terrorism, but they threatened to not air it, so a new ending was written.

If Time Warner ran Disneyland, it would be known as the Fucking UNhappiest place on Earth.

Time Warner Cable is a slut: it's screwing people night and day!

If Time Warner cable were a gay man, he'd be a top, considering how many people Time Warner fucks in the ass every day.

That Lakers game sucked, but not as much as Time Warner Sucks.

Time warner sucks so much, they could single-handedly suck up all the oil in the gulf!

If China really wanted a reliable way 2censor the TV & internet, they should let Time Warner take over service-then no 1 would see anything!

If Time Warner's service were a person, it could file for unemployment, since it never works!

If Time Warner's transmission were Mother Nature, we'd have another ice age, since it's always freezing!

"This is a Nightmare" -- Clean-up Efforts Proving Costly for Wildlife and Human Health

ABC sends divers in Gulf only to find the OIL SPILL is WORSE than we thought. CHEMICAL DISPERSANTS are NOT WORKING as thought. Meanwhile, PLANS TO PLUG THE LEAK with earth and cement HAVE A 40% CHANCE OF FAILURE (by BP's own estimates)! If you're not pissed now, WTH is wrong with you?!

The chemical dispersants aren't making the oil disappear, they're sending it into droplets that are suspended below the surface. The drops will enter the gills or seep into the skin of any sea creatures swimming through it!

Capitalism stinks! Literally.


Shared via this article

I hate the smell of oil and chemical dispersants in the morning. It smells like failure. Hmm, Apocolypse Now?

Shocked by the events occuring in the Gulf? Want to know more and find out how to help?

Join us on Thursday, May 27th at 8pm EST for a tele-townhall on how the BP oil spill is impacting wildlife and what you can do.

Experts from the National Wildlife Federation, including President and CEO Larry Schweiger, will give first-hand accounts of the damage and the latest news on one of the worst environmental disasters in our nation's history.

You MUST register for this call! So be sure to click HERE.

All reservations must be received by NOON (EST) on WEDNESDAY in order to be on the call!


White House, Congress reach deal on repeal of DADT.

Saying that the two parties have "reached a deal" on DADT, sounds like there is some sort of compromise. THERE SHOULD BE NO COMPROMISE!! FUCKING REPEAL THE DAMNED DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE!! Congress is willing to repeal DADT only if the Pentagon's review of the policy comes out in favor of repeal. I HAVE NO FUCKING FAITH that the MOST HOMOPHOBIC BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT is going to come out on the right side of this issue! It's like asking the KKK to recommend desegregation and integration in the 60s. If we let the discriminators decide when THEY are ready to be rational and non-discriminatory, we'd still have separate drinking fountains for blacks. The ignorant need to be forced into rationality sometimes. Having gays in the military does not harm the military or threaten or weaken our national security any more than allowing a black man and a white woman to marry does!


Read the CNN article HERE.


23 May 2010

Kucinich speech regarding Gulf oil spill

As gallons of oil continue to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) invoked God on the House floor Friday in an impassioned 90-second plea to end our dependence on fossil fuels and preserve "mother earth" with a clean energy economy.

KUCINICH 2012!!!

21 May 2010

Could Millions Die From Gulf OIL SPILL?

CHEMICALS that BP is using in the OIL SPILL may be ENDANGERING local fisherman's LIVES; could "FRY THE BRAIN." One fishman's lungs looked like those of a 3-pack-a-day smoker. Watch news report:

20 May 2010


Rand Paul, I have a message. A message from us SANE people. A message that is loud and clear and that does not mince words. You've come to align yourself with the Tea Baggers and i thank you. I thank you for making it easier to see the Tea Party's insanity. By the way, how does your foot taste?


14 May 2010

The Pope warned against gay marriage, saying it was a threat to the common good.

Ryan warns against pedophile priests, saying they are a threat to little boys.

Ryan further warns against religion in general, saying it is a threat to tolerance, unity and world peace.


The following is an excerpt of the article "Gay marriage a 'dangerous threat', Pope warns"
By PinkNews.co.uk Staff Writer • May 13, 2010 - 18:30:

Pope Benedict has called gay marriage and abortion "dangerous threats to the common good" during a visit to Portugal.


Addressing followers today, the Pope called for pastoral action to tackle abortion and same-sex marriage, which he called "some of today's most insidious and dangerous threats to the common good".

He called abortion a "tragedy" and urged for protection of the "family based on the indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman".

Portugal approved gay marriage earlier this year. In January, speaking just after Portugal's parliament voted in favour of the move, the Pope called it an "attack" on the natural differences between men and women.

He recently criticised gay rights measures contained in Britain's Equality Act. He said measures designed to ensure churches were not discriminating when hiring staff were against "natural law".


In an end-of year address in 2008, he said that the existence of gay people threatens humanity as much as the destruction of the rainforests does and that "blurring" genders through acceptance of transgender people would kill off the human race.

Read the full Pink News article HERE.

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07 May 2010

ISRAELI jailers STARVE Palestinian PRISONER to press him to work as INFORMER.

The following is reprinted from the Window Into Palestine Blog in an effort to spread the word of the evil that Zionist Israel does day in and day out. The original blog can be found here: Israel Never Stops Their Low Down Dirty Tactics

Israel Never Stops Their Low Down Dirty Tactics

May 5, 2010

NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Palestinian prisoner society said that Israeli interrogators in the Ashkelon prison starved a 19-year-old prisoner and told him he would remain without food until he cooperates with them and work as an informer.

The society said that the interrogators took advantage of the prisoner’s illiteracy and forced him to place thumbprints on papers he did not know anything about or what they included.

The society promised it will follow up the issue of this prisoner and file a complaint against the jailers who used starvation as a torture means to pressure him.

In another incident, Israel’s channel seven said Tuesday that the Israeli intelligence apparatus intensified its attempts, following the animated video recently released by the armed wing of Hamas, to obtain information about the whereabouts of soldier Gilad Shalit.

The channel added that the Shabak embarked lately on calling ordinary Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip to urge them to report any information about Shalit in exchange for $10,000,000.

Security sources in Gaza had told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that the security apparatuses discovered some limited incidents in which some individuals responded to these calls.

More Low-down Dirty Tactics:

This is an excellent article on how Israel recruits Palestinian informants and the effect on Palestinian society, read HERE. Denial of medical treatment and arrest & torture are just two of the ways detailed in this article of how Israel turns civilian Palestinians into collaborators.

Read an article from the Jordanian Times on how Israel attempts to lure fishermen into becoming informants HERE.

Last year the Israeli Defense Forces said they would declare war on anti-Israeli sentiment online. Here is an article about how Shin Bet, Israeli's Internal Security Service, goes about using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to trick Palestinians into becoming informants: click here.


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Details Of Gaza Blockade Revealed In Court Case (BBC)

So, we now know how to bring down the Zionist ISRAELI government: All we need is CORIANDER, apparently. In newly released documents, we start to see some of the extent of Israel's illegal BLOCKADE on GAZA. For 3 years, Israel has REFUSED to allow in any building materials such as concrete, glass, rebar or wood, so all the civilian homes and buildings (including hospitals, clinics and schools) that Israel DESTROYED over the past years still lay in ruin. But the LIST of things allowed in seems ARBITRARY as well. Cinnamon is allowed, coriander is not; mineral water, but not fruit juice. Toys for kids are not allowed. I fail to see how such things would be a threat to the security of Israel.

Read the story from the BBC:
Details Of Gaza Blockade Revealed In Court Case


06 May 2010

How to Solve Illegal Immigration

No, no, really--watch it. Turn off Dancing With the Douchbags or America's Next Top Skank or whatever you're wasting your time on and take 15 minutes to learn about something that is going on around you. Seriously.

(Yes, i know i'm an asshole.)
